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概述 (Generalities)
(Free Diving)
The term “Free Diving” designates a sports event in “Apnea” where the athlete holds his breath keeping the breathing airways below the surface of the water.
賽事、競賽項目 和 參賽項目
(Competition, Event and Attempt)
- 賽事 (Competition):
The term Competition is used to indicate a Free Diving meeting, which may comprise several disciplines. - 競賽項目 (Event):
The term Event indicates each of the contests making up a competition. - 嘗試行為 (Attempt):
The term Attempt designates the single action of the athlete. - 成績 (Performance):
Performance is the result of the athlete’s attempt in depth, measured in meters or feet.
(Use of fins)
運動員可以使用單蹼或雙蹼參賽 (無蹼項目除外)。
The athlete may use a monofin or bi-fins (except for no-fin events).如果使用腳蹼,則僅能靠運動員的自身肌肉力量提供動力,禁止借助任何機械外力,也禁止任何由肌肉觸發而產生的任何機械外力。
When fins are used, they must be powered only by the muscular power of the athlete, without use of any mechanism, even if the latter is activated by the muscles.在雙蹼的競賽項目中,除了要注意腳蹼,還要注意踢蹼方式,除非在折返區域的3 公尺區域內,否則不得使用踢動超過一次「豚式踢法」的方式游動 (一次踢動包括一次上踢和一次下踢)。
In bi-fins events, it is not only the fins that matters, but also the swimming style: no dolphin kick more than one (one cycle is up and down) is allowed except in the 3 meters zone at the turning zone.
豚式踢法 (在自由潛水中)
Dolphin kick (in Free Diving)
- 雙腿上下同時踢動。一個週期包含一次上踢和一次下踢。
A kick in which the legs move up and down together. The up and down motion constitutes one cycle.
游泳 (在自由潛水中)
Swimming (in Free Diving)
Propelling oneself through water using movements of the limbs.
(Authorized Material)
Mask, goggles or fluid goggles.鼻夾。
Nose clip.潛水服(防寒衣或濕衣)。
Diving suit.手錶–潛水電腦
Watch-dive computer在比賽前,安全繫繩需通過裁判長 (Chief Judge)的查驗。
A lanyard to be homologated before the attempt by the Chief Judge.潛水電腦錶/手錶。主辦單位會提供一支官方深度錶,應置於手腕上,而個人的潛水電腦錶/手錶可置於身體任何部位。
Diving computers/watches. The organization will provide one official depth gauge. It should be placed on wrist and the personal ones anywhere on the body.運動員可使用個人配重。如果使用配重,必須具有「快卸系統」, 且必須置於潛水服外面。任何情況下,不得把配重藏於潛水服裡面。
The athletes may use their personal weight. If a weight is used, the athlete must necessarily use it with a quick release system and must wear it over his clothing. In no case the athletes are allowed to have weights hidden under their clothing.
- 官方比賽開放給男性及/或女性參加,「壯年組 (Seniors)」之年齡為從18歲至49歲,50歲以上的運動員屬於「長青組 (Masters Category)」, 該組又可細分為以下各組:50-54 歲、55-59 歲、60-64 歲、65-70 歲、70 歲以上。「長青組 (Masters Category)」之運動員,也可選擇參加「壯年組 (Seniors)」,運動員做出選擇後,該賽季必須維持在其所選組別。
The official competitions are organized for men and/or women. The senior category corresponds to ages from over 18 to 49. Athletes who are at least 50 years old belong to the master’s group, which is further subdivided in categories 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-70 and over 70. Master athletes may, if they wish, compete in the senior’s category. This choice will be mandatory for the whole ongoing season
恆重下潛 (Constant Weight)
- 恆重下潛 (簡稱CWT) 是指運動員在進行單一個行動的整個過程中,無論有蹼或無蹼,且配重不變,必須用閉氣方式下潛至宣告深度之垂直距離的比賽項目。此競賽項目在開放水域 (海洋或湖泊) 中進行。視賽事型態,可分為:有蹼 (雙蹼與單/雙蹼將分開競賽)或無蹼。
The Constant Weight CWT is a discipline where the athlete must cover the vertical distance in apnea down to the declared depth without any change in his weight during the whole attempt with or without fins. The event takes place in open water (sea or lake) and the use of fins (bi-fins and monofin/bi-fins as separate competitions) or without fins depends on the type of the competition.
攀繩下潛 (Free Immersion)
- 攀繩下潛 (簡稱FIM) 是指運動員在未使用配重或腳蹼的情況下,必須用閉氣方式下潛至宣告深度之最大垂直距離的比賽項目。
The Free Immersion FIM is a discipline where the athlete must cover the maximum vertical distance in apnea to a declared depth without using ballast or fins.
此競賽項目在開放水域 (海洋或湖泊) 中進行。運動員允許拉動比賽用繩。禁止借助任何機械外力,也禁止任何由肌肉觸發而產生的任何機械外力。
The event takes place in open water (sea or lake) and the athlete is allowed to pull on the Performance Line. The use of any mechanism even if the latter is activated by the muscles of the athlete is prohibited.
變重下潛 (Variable Weight)
- 變重下潛 (簡稱VWT) 是指運動員以閉氣方式,必須藉由一種「引導式重錘裝置 (guided ballast device)」下潛至宣告深度之最大垂直距離,然後將重錘留在水深處,以自身動力返回水面的比賽項目。
The Variable Weight VWT is a discipline where the athlete must cover the vertical distance in apnea down to the declared depth with a guided ballast device and return back with his own power, leaving the ballast at depth.
此競賽項目在開放水域 (海洋或湖泊) 中進行。視賽事型態,可分為:有蹼 (雙蹼與單/雙蹼將分開競賽)或無蹼。
The event takes place in open water (sea or lake) and use of fins (bi-fins and monofin/bi-fins as separate competitions) without fins depends on the type of the attempt.
(Use of Oxygen)
- 在進行單一個行動前,嚴禁使用純氧進行呼吸。如果運動員違規使用純氧或超量氧氣混合氣,將會立即被取消比賽資格,並暫停參加CMAS 比賽和錦標賽,停賽時間將由世界水中運動聯盟決定。
The use of oxygen is strictly forbidden before the attempt. An athlete who has been declared guilty of the use of oxygen or of a mixture with excess oxygen will be immediately disqualified and will be subjected to a procedure of suspension from participation in the CMAS competitions and championships for a period which will be defined by the Confederation.
- 下潛深度超過70公尺的潛水員可使用由主辦單位提供之氧氣瓶。純氧一定要在比賽之後才可使用,在水面或者是最大深度5 公尺以內使用純氧5 分鐘。
The divers who will dive beyond -70 meters will have the permission to use the oxygen tank provided by the organizations. The use of oxygen will definitely be after the performance, at surface or maximum -5 meters for 5 min.
失去意識 – 暈厥 (Black Out,簡稱BO)
Loss of Consciousness-Black Out (BO);
- 如果運動員無法在20 秒內完成「出水程序 (Surface Protocol)」或者需要協助,則取消比賽資格。
If the athlete can not complete the Surface Protocol in the 20 seconds or need help, the athlete will be disqualified.
- 如果運動員在水面出現「失去意識–暈厥」,則取消比賽資格, 而且必須經過醫師檢查後才可繼續進行隔日和之後的比賽。
In case of loss of Consciousness-Black out at surface the athlete will be disqualified and has to be examined by doctor to be able to continue the competition the next day(s)
- 如果運動員在水下出現暈厥,則取消資格,而且隔日不准參賽。此運動員必須經過醫師檢查,並取得醫師許可後,才可繼續進行比賽。
In case of underwater black out, the athlete will be disqualified and he will not be allowed to compete the next day. The athlete must be checked and have approval from doctor to continue the competition
(Use of male pronoun)
- 本規則所有內容中有關於人的稱呼,為了便於表述,均使用男性代名詞,但不代表性別的具體定義。在賽事中的所有參加人員,無論是什麼角色,都可為任一性別。
In what follows the male pronoun will be used throughout. It goes without saying that this is done solely in order to avoid awkward formulations and it is perfectly understood that all persons participating at a competition, with whatever role, may be of either sex.
- 所有賽事中,包括國際錦標賽,均允許佩戴附有廣告的腳蹼或面鏡,對此沒有限制。
For all competitions and international championships, the advertising on the fins and mask is authorized without restriction.
Advertising is also allowed on the clothing, but it is nevertheless made clear that when international championships take place, athletes are obliged to present themselves for ceremonies in the official apparel of their national team.
- 違反規則,將會按照本規則相關規定受到「常規處罰 (General penalty)」。「常規處罰」是指從運動員所達成的成績中減去一公尺。如果是「提前轉身返回 (early turn)」的情況下,與宣告深度每相差一公尺則減去一公尺,如果有額外的處罰也將適用。
Whenever a rule is violated in a way precisely defined in the corresponding articles a general penalty is applied. The general penalty consists in subtracting one meter of the performance realized by the athlete. In case of early turn, one meter for each meter missing from declared depth, additional penalty is applied.
(Violation of the rules)
- 除非在相對應條款中另有規定 (判罰或常規處罰),否則犯規將被取消比賽資格。
The violation of rules leads to disqualification from the event unless otherwise (penalty or general penalty) is specified at the corresponding article.
(Competitions and record homologations)
賽事及記錄認證,須按照CMAS 官方網站上最新公佈的「錦標賽程序 (Procedures of Championships)」和「挑戰記錄合約 (Contract for Record Attempts)」文件檔。
Competitions and record homologations are subject to the latest versions of “Procedures of Championships” and “Contract for Record Attempts” documents available on the CMAS website.
程序 (Protocols)
(Start protocol)
- 運動員必須在比賽開始前一小時到達船上或者到達主裁判 (main judge) 所指定的區域,例如靠近競賽區域的暖身區。
The athletes admitted to the competition must be present one hour prior the start at the boat or a place defined by main judge such as in the warm-up area which is situated near the competition area.
- 運動員必須在比賽開始前45 分鐘 (至倒數三分鐘前) 由暖身裁判 (Warm-up Judge) 安排,並由暖身裁判通知開始裁判 (Starting Judge)。
45 minutes before their start (of the last three minutes) they must be at the disposal of the Warm-up Judge who will inform the Starting Judge.
- 運動員只允許在他的比賽開始前45 分鐘內下水。
At the period of last 45 minutes prior his start, the athlete is allowed to go inside the water.
- 運動員之間比賽相隔時間為最低8 分鐘。
The athletes will start every 8 (eight) minutes minimum.
- 如果同時使用多條比賽用繩進行比賽,則進行單一個行動的開始時間必須要有間隔。
In the case of existence of several competition lines at the same time the beginning of the attempts must take place at shifted time intervals.
- 當發令員指示運動員就位「出發點」時,表示「單一個行動開始」。運動員在沒入水前有3 分鐘的準備時間。
The attempt begins when the starter informs the athlete to go to the start point. The athlete will have three minutes to prepare himself to start dive. - 發令員會對運動員報時:
He will be reminded of the time by the starter:- 最後3 分鐘/ 2 分鐘/1.5 分鐘/ 1 分鐘/ 30 秒/20 秒/10 秒/5、4、3、2、1 / Top Time (比賽正式開始時間)/ +10 秒/+20 秒/+25、26、27、28、29、30。
Last 3 minutes / 2 minutes / 1.5 minutes / 1 minute / 30s / 20s / 10s / 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 / Top Time / +10s / +20s / +25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. - 運動員可以從「Top Time」到+30 秒內的任意時間開始。在此時間範圍內,如果呼吸道沒有沒入水中,則取消比賽資格。
The athlete can start from Top Time to +30s (30s window). If the breathing airways are not in the water at the count of +30s, he will be disqualified.
- 最後3 分鐘/ 2 分鐘/1.5 分鐘/ 1 分鐘/ 30 秒/20 秒/10 秒/5、4、3、2、1 / Top Time (比賽正式開始時間)/ +10 秒/+20 秒/+25、26、27、28、29、30。
- 在所有國際賽事中,倒數計時必須用英語宣佈。
The countdown must be announced in English in all international competitions.
- 運動員不可在「Top Time (比賽正式開始時間)」之前開始。
The athlete is not allowed to start before the “Top Time”.
- 在任何項目的暖身過程中,運動員可將其口部置於水下數次,在水下時可吐氣或不吐氣。For any discipline the athlete can put his mouth under the water and can exhale or not, several times during warm up.
(End/Surface protocol)
- 當運動員結束單一個行動,返回水面時,必須在出水後20 秒內向裁判長 (Chief Judge) 完成「出水程序」(傳統水下活動的「OK」手勢,例如將兩根手指作出一個圓圈)。
At the end of the attempt, returning at the surface, during the count of 20 (twenty) seconds starting after immersion, the athlete must complete the Surface Protocol (OK Sign is the conventional underwater signal such as two fingers making a circle) to the direction of the Chief Judge
- 運動員必須保持漂浮狀態,將頭部保持在水面以上,包括呼吸道以及耳部 (大概是耳部的中間位置) 到後腦的連線以上部位均保持在水面以上。如果有浪,則由裁判決定。
The athlete must stay afloat and keep the head over surface. The breathing airways and equivalent level of the sides (roughly from the middle of the ears) and continuing line through the back of the head must be over the water surface. If there is a wave, the decision is taken by judge.
- 在CMAS 國際賽事中,出水程序之現場必須要有一名裁判長 (Chief Judge) (由CMAS 指派) ,或一名助理裁判 (Assistant Judge) (由CMAS 指派以進行協助)。
For the Surface Protocol in CMAS International Competitions, there has to be a Chief Judge (assigned by CMAS), or Assistant Judge (assigned by CMAS to assist).
- 裁判們在該單一個行動結束後的3 分鐘之內,將給出最終判決; 如果因為技術原因,無法在3 分鐘之內作出判決,且為了避免打亂比賽的時間安排,裁判可以決定在該場比賽結束後給出判決。
The judges will be present and give the final decision on the attempt within 3 (three) minutes after the completion of the attempt. If it is technically impossible to reach a decision within three minutes the Judge may decide to give the decision at the end of the current competition, so as not to disrupt the competition’s timing.
- 運動員要面向裁判所在的船隻或平台方向完成「出水程序」。
The athlete will complete the Surface Protocol. in the direction of the boat or platform where are the judges..
- 運動員可以在執行「出水程序」時講話。
The athlete can talk during the protocol.
- 在運動員完成「出水程序」前,運動員助理不允許進入此區域。
The assistant of the athlete is not allowed to be in the area until the surface protocol finished,.
- 如果運動員被賽事主辦單位之人員意外碰觸,則由裁判長 (Chief Judge) 裁決此行為是否定性為「協助」。
If the athlete is touched by the people from the organization accidentally, the decision on this acts whether it is help or not, will be made by the Chief Judge.
- 國際錦標賽必須要有錄影仲裁。
Video arbitration is mandatory for international championship.
- 運動員在執行「出水程序」和進行恢復的過程中,周圍人員和觀眾必須保持冷靜與安靜,如有違反,裁判長 (Chief Judge) 可將比賽區域內的人員/隊員驅逐。
People around and spectators must remain calm and silent during athlete’s surface protocol and recovery. In the violation of this, the decision is up to the Chief judge that he can suspend the people/team members from the competition area.
- 如果運動員的國家代表、教練或者隊員喊叫或協助運動員,將導致此運動員被取消比賽資格。
Any kind of screaming or help from the athlete’s national delegates, coaches or team members leads to the disqualification of the athlete.
(The cards)
The meaning of the cards is as follows;
- 如果一切正常,則裁判將會出示白色卡片。
If everything is ok, the Judge will show the athlete a white card. - 如果出示黃色卡片則表示有問題出現,可能有判罰 (penalty) 或比賽成績無效 (DQ) 的問題,則運動員要在比賽區域等候,裁判經過慎重討論後,將於最多3 分鐘內給出最終判決 (如果在3 分鐘內無法作出判決,則將在比賽後給出判決)。
If a yellow card is shown which means something may have gone wrong; there might be a penalty or DQ issue then the athlete has to wait in the competition zone and judge will deliberate, they have maximum 3 (three minutes to give the final decision (if this 3 (three) minutes is not enough then they can give decision after the end of the competition). - 如果出示紅色卡片,則表示運動員比賽成績無效 (DQ)。
If a red card is shown, the performance is not validated (DQ).
(Common issues for Descending and Ascending)
下潛 Descent
- 在單一個行動的整個過程中,運動員絕對不可丟棄自己的配重。
The athlete’s weight may never be abandoned by the athlete during the whole attempt. - 必須是沿著比賽用繩進行垂直地直線下潛。
The descent is vertical and straight along the Performance Line.
上升 Ascent
- 運動員沿著比賽用繩至取得距離標記 (distance marker) 後,從該點開始進行上升,運動員在單一個行動結束時,返回水面,並且必須完成「出水程序」。
The ascent starts from the point on the Performance Line where the athlete has taken the distance marker. At the end of the attempt, back on the surface, the athlete must complete the Surface Protocol. - 除非運動員陷入困境,否則在運動員尚未完成所有程序之前,不得以任何理由協助或碰觸運動員。
The athlete must not be helped or touched for any reason before he completes the attempt, unless he is in difficulty. - 不允許在潛水過程中抓比賽用繩,但是在折返區域之三公尺內除外。
Grabbing of the line during the dive is not allowed except the three meter return zone.
(Staging and classification of the event)
- 參賽選手的出場順序視比賽需求而訂,且需考量環境因素、戒護的建議,以及媒體需求。由CMAS 代表、裁判長 (Chief Judge) 、戒護長 (Safety chief)、和主辦單位協調參賽選手的出場順序。
The start list will be made upon competition needs, taking in mind the environment conditions, safety recommendations and media requests. Cmas delegate, Chief judge, Safety chief and organizer will cooperate for the start list - 在世界盃或洲際盃中,競賽項目的規劃如下:
第1 日 恆重下潛 (CWT)
第2 日 攀繩下潛 (FIM)
第3 日 恆重下潛無蹼 (CNF)
第4 日 恆重下潛雙蹼 (CWT BIFINS)
At world and continental competitions the program of disciplines will be as follows:
Day 1 CWT
Day 2 FIM
Rest day
Day 3 CNF
Day 4 CWT BIFINS - 所有選手僅有一次機會。比賽結束後,比賽排名將會立即公佈。
All the competitors will make one attempt. At the end of this stage, a classification is established and made public. - 如果出現成績相同情況,則運動員會被歸為「並列排名」。
In the case of a tie, the athletes will be classified “ex aequo” - 如果出現相同宣告深度的情況,裁判長 (chief judge) 將安排相同宣告深度的運動員進行抽籤,以決定出場順序。
In case of the declaration of the same depths, the chief judge will make drawing lots between athletes having declared the same depth to arrange the order.
(Performance Line and the Lanyard)
- 下潛用的比賽用繩必須設有配重,根據海象狀況 (例如浪況、流況、潮汐等),比賽用繩透過下錨固定或者配有足夠重量的方式,以確保讓比賽用繩能處於整體穩定與垂直的狀態。
The diving Performance Line must be weighted in such a way that it remains as vertical as possible by anchoring or with a sufficient weight to guarantee total stability and verticality in accordance with the conditions of the marine meteorology (such as waves, currents, tides, etc.). - 比賽用繩的標記應如下↓
比賽用繩的標記需標準化,標記的位置是從底部開始:- 在3 公尺處設一個寬的標記
- 一直到10 公尺,在10 公尺處設一個窄的黑色標記(一般膠帶的寬度)
- 在20 公尺處設兩個黑色標記
- 在30 公尺處設三個黑色標記
- 在40 公尺處設四個黑色標記
- 在50 公尺處設一個寬的紅色標記
- 在60 公尺處設一個寬的紅色標記和一個黑色標記
以此類推 - 在100 公尺處設兩個寬的紅色標記
- 在110 公尺處設兩個寬的紅色標記和一個黑色標記
The Performance Line is expected to be marked as↓
The marking of the performance line will be standardized. Places of the marks, beginning from the bottom: - At 3 m. one thick mark
- Until 10 m. and at 10 m. one black thin (normal tape thickness) mark
- At 20 m. two black marks
- At 30 m. three black marks
- At 40 m. four black marks
- At 50 m. one thick red mark
- At 60 m. one thick red one black marks
And so on so forth - At 100 m. two thick red marks
- At 110 m. two thick red one black marks
And so on so forth
- 在比賽用繩的尾端,即底重上方,需在比賽用繩上設置一個盤狀物或類似物品,使安全繫繩能在深度標記 (distance marker) 上方剛好1.5 公尺 (一公尺半) 處就能停下來,以便運動員取得深度標記。
At the end of the line, before the weight, the line must have a disc or something similar in order to stop the lanyard exactly at 1.5 (one and half) meter to the distance marker to be taken by the athlete. - 比賽用繩需按照運動員所宣告之深度而設置,安全繫繩最大長度為1.2 公尺,需連結於比賽用繩。
The Performance Line must be positioned according to the depth declared by the athlete and the Lanyard with maximum 1.2 meter length connected to it. - 在比賽前,裁判將檢視安全繫繩,並且以適當方式 (特殊膠帶及/或簽名) 作記號。
The control of the lanyards will be done by the Judges before the competition by marking it with an appropriate way (a special tape and/or signature). - 如果安全繫繩因為任何原因而被移除了,除非是此安全繫繩出現嚴重情況/出現問題,否則此運動員將被判比賽成績無效。這需要有錄影做為佐證。
For any reason if the Lanyard is removed the athlete is disqualified except in the case where there is a serious situation/problem with the lanyard. This should be proven beyond all doubt by video recording. - 此比賽用繩是一種簡單機械結構 (反重系統,英文為counter ballast ) 的一部份,遇到意外狀況時,透過可調整的上升速度,能將人在短時間內救回到水面,而不需使用其他潛水員。此種裝置可具有人力或自動的釋放機制,而由戒護長 (Safety chief) 藉由攝影人員、深度裁判 (depth judges) 所提供的指示,以及運動員的宣告時間,發出拉起繩索的指令。
The line is part of a simple mechanical structure (counter ballast) which in case of accidents allows the person to be recovered in a short time and with an adjustable surfacing speed, without the need to use other divers. That system can have a manual or an automatic releasing mechanism. The order to pull up the line is given by the Safety chief on indications provided by the cameras, by the depth judges and the chronometric time declared by the athlete. - 在比賽主繩的附近可設置另一條繩索,用來固定一個遙控裝置或一組攝影機,以監控運動員整趟行程。
Another line could be installed near the main line, where a robot or an array of cameras are fixed in such a way as to cover the entire path of the athletes. - 運動員應使用一條安全繫繩連結到比賽用繩,此安全繫繩最大長度為1.2 公尺 (一公尺20 公分),一端連結在自由潛水員身上,另一端配有一個大型扣環可於比賽用繩上下移動。
The athletes shall be attached to the Performance Line with a Lanyard with maximum 1.2 (one and 20cm) meter length connected to the Free Diver and at the other end equipped with a large size clip ring that runs along the Performance Line.
深度標記 (Depth Marker)
和 測量儀器 (Depth Marker and the Measurement Instrument)
- 深度標記 (Depth marker) 必須要能讓每一位選手皆能取下。
A Depth marker must be available for each competitor. - 要給運動員取下的「深度標記」需置於比賽用繩底部,可用曬衣夾夾住,或用魔鬼粘固定好,並且能讓運動員輕易撕下。
The depth marker (to be retrieved by the athlete) will be attached at the bottom of the Performance Line with a cloths-peg or connected by a Velcro which can be easily ripped by the athlete. - 運動員必須從比賽用繩底部取走深度標記,以表示所到達的距離。
The depth marker must necessarily be taken by the athlete from the end of the Performance Line in order to indicate the distance reached. - 如果未能取回深度標記,則會以戴在運動員手腕上的官方深度錶上所顯示的深度作為深度記錄。未能取回「深度標記」者將受到「常規處罰 (general penalty)」。
In case of failure to recover of the depth marker, the depth recorded will be the one shown on the official depth gauge that the athletes wear on their wrist. The failure to recover the depth marker will lead to general penalty.
(Athlete’s Assistants)
- 在比賽開始的最後三分鐘呼叫提示前,運動員在暖身區只能有一位助手,當運動員開始下潛時,助手要離開比賽區域,但是可以留在暖身區或者留在裁判長 (Chief judge) 在技術會議上所指定的區域。
The athlete can have only one assistant at the warm-up area until the call of last three minutes. After the athlete starts the dive the assistant will leave the competition area but can stay in the warm-up area or within the area that Chief judge defined in the technical meeting. - 如果助手留在比賽區域,裁判對助手只會發出一次「離開警告」, 如果助手繼續逗留在比賽區域,則此項違規將導致此運動員受到「常規處罰 (general penalty)」。
If the assistant stays in the competition area, the judge will warn the assistant one time only. If he continues to stay in the competition area this violation leads to general penalty to the athlete. - 在發生技術問題時,只有裁判長 (Chief Judge) 可批准相關領隊參與討論。
Only the Chief Judge can allow the team representative to intervene in case of a technical problem.
取下深度標記 (Depth Marker)
以及 測量成績 (Depth Marker – Performance measurement)
- 當運動員到達比賽用繩的尾端時,也就是折返區域 (return zone), 運動員可抓住比賽用繩並取下「深度標記」,運動員可在折返區域內抓住和拉動比賽用繩,折返區域是包含停止裝置下方1.5 公尺和停止裝置上方1.5 公尺 (總共3 公尺)。
When the athlete reaches the end of the Performance Line, at return zone, he can hold the rope and take the depth marker. Holding and pulling is allowed at the return zone which is one and half meters below and one and half meters above the stopper (total of 3 meter). - 未能取回「深度標記」者將受到「常規處罰 (general penalty)」。
The failure to recover the distance marker will lead to general penalty. - 深度上的最終距離測量標準就是所宣告的深度標記,如果運動員折返的深度小於宣告深度,則會以官方深度錶上的深度減去判罰後,作為比賽所記錄的深度。
The final measurement of the depth will be the one declared for the marker. If the athlete returns earlier than the declared depth the recorded depth will be the depth of the official depth gauge minus penalties. - 如果運動員取回「深度標記」,則最終成績等於宣告深度。
If the athletes recover the depth marker, the final performance is equal to the depth declared. - 如果比賽到達的深度 (DR) 小於宣告深度 (DD) ,則比賽深度將為DR 減去 (DD-DR)。此處的判罰是「距離處罰」,每少一公尺就判罰一公尺。
宣告深度 (DD) = 100 公尺
到達的深度 (DR) = 90 公尺
(DD-DR) = 10 公尺 (100-90)
最終成績:90-10 (距離處罰) -1 (常規處罰) = 79 公尺If the depth reached (DR) is smaller than the depth declared (DD) the performance depth will be given by DR minus (DD-DR). The penalty here is a distance penalty equal to one meter penalty for each missing meter.
Final Performance = Depth Reached – Distance Penalty – General Penalty
(DD-DR) is (100-90) = 10 meters
Final performance: 90-10 (distance penalty) – 1 (general penalty) = 79 meters
At the technical meeting, the athlete must provide the target depth declaration and the total time of his performance. The time is important for the safety of the athlete and the organizing of safety team.
下潛 (Descent)
- 除了在3 公尺折返區域內,運動員必須以不抓住或不拉動比賽用繩的方式進行下潛。
The athlete must descend without holding or pulling the rope except in the return zone of three meters. - 運動員若要提前轉身返回 (early turn),他可抓住比賽用繩,並且只能拉動一次比賽用繩。
In early return, he can grab and pull just one time the Performance Line.
上升 (Ascent)
- 除了在3 公尺折返區域內,運動員必須以不抓住或不拉動繩索協助自己的方式進行上升。
The athlete must ascend without helping himself by holding or pulling the rope except in the return zone of 3 (three) meter.
下潛 (Descent)
- 運動員可使用抓住或不抓住、拉動或不拉動繩索的方式進行下潛。
The athlete may descend with or without holding or pulling the rope.
上升 (Ascent)
- 運動員可使用抓住或不抓住、拉動或不拉動繩索的方式進行上升。
The athlete may ascend with or without holding or pulling the rope.
引導式重錘裝置 (Guided Ballast Device)
- 引導式重錘裝置 (Guided Ballast Device) 是一種可將運動員運送至目標深度的裝置,此裝置必須是靠自身重量取得向下之移動力,此裝置必須能沿著比賽用繩上下移動,其設計上沒有限制,主辦單位可視情況訂之, 而且運動員在下潛過程中要能夠自行離開此裝置。
The Guided Ballast Device is the device used to transport the athlete to the goal depth. This device must attain its downward movement under its own weight. The device must run along the Performance Line. Its design is free, left to the organization and can be released (left) by the athlete during descending.
下潛 (Descent)
- 運動員在引導式重錘裝置 (guided ballast device) 上沿著比賽用繩, 以垂直及直線的方式進行下潛,運動員在下潛過程中可自行離開此裝置。
The descent is vertical and straight along the rope with the guided ballast device and that device and can be released (left) by the athlete during descending. - 在運動員的潛水開始時,必須或多或少先讓一部份的引導式重錘裝置和運動員身體沒入水中,才開始進行下潛。
The athlete must start to dive that the guided ballast device and his body must be partially, to any extent, immersed in the water immediately prior to initiating the descent. - 運動員必須以不抓住或不拉動比賽用繩的方式進行下潛。
The athlete must descend without holding or pulling on the rope.
上升 (Ascent)
- 當運動員從比賽用繩上取得自己的距離標記後或者將其黏到潛水服上的魔鬼粘後,則開始上升;或者,如果運動員使用重錘裝置,當此裝置到達目標點時,則運動員開始上升。
The ascent starts from the point on the Performance Line where the athlete has taken his personal distance marker or attached to the Velcro prepared on diving suit or if he is using a ballast device he can start the ascent when the device reaches the target point. - 如果未使用腳蹼,運動員可使用抓住或拉動繩索的方式協助自己上升,如果有使用腳蹼(單/雙蹼或雙蹼),就不可抓住或拉動繩索。
The athlete may ascend with helping himself by holding or pulling the rope if without fins and must not hold or pull the rope with fins (mono/bi-fins or bi-fins). - 運動員若要提前轉身返回 (early turn),他可抓住比賽用繩,並且只能拉動一次比賽用繩。
In early return, he can grab and pull just one time the Performance Line.